Tax Calendar


January 1

All real and personal property is assessed for tax value

March 1

Value notices are mailed to all owners of real property

May 1

Value notices are mailed to all owners of personal property

June 15 

Appraiser certifies all real and personal property to County Clerk

July 15 

County Clerk certifies all real and personal values to state

August 25 

All taxing jurisdictions submit annual budget to County Clerk.

November 1 

County Clerk certifies taxes to be collected to County Treasurer

November 1 - December 15 

County Treasurer mails tax statements to all property owners

December 20 

Full or first half property taxes are due without penalty

February 15 

Unpaid personal property tax warrants are turned over to County Sheriff

May 10 

Second half of property taxes are due without penalty

August 15 

Unpaid second half personal tax warrants are turned over to County Sheriff

August 1 

Unpaid real estate taxes are published in the newspaper

First Tuesday of September 

Unpaid real estate tax properties are sold to the county

October 31 

Unpaid personal property tax warrants are published in the newspaper

and filed as judgment liens in the county's district court